
December 20, 2010

Enjit-enjit semut...Sape sakit naik atas...

Salam...Hi...Mesti ade yg dh tau ape maksud tajuk entry kali nie...
And ade gak yg tak tau lg..Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah...
Yeah...cerite nie...sudah sekian lama aku tak tgj cite Melayu nie...Tp ttbe terbukak hati nk tgk cite nie...
*walaupon dikutuk oleh rakan2 ku yg menggong tu..huhu...
Cite nie mmg BEST!!..Very the funny...mmg terbaek...
"cecite..cecite..." "enjit2 semut sape sakit naek atas"..."bakor"..."panjang nye kopek"...
Hahaha...mmg klaka ok cite nie...Tak slalu aku ske cite Melayu nie...Tp cite nie mmg laen...
Lagi best dr Zombie Kampung Pisang...Dr 10bintang aku bg 9...ade la sket element2 yg masih bleh dipertingkatkan...Btw...i'm having fun watching this movie and tidak ade rase kesal tgk cite nie..huhu...

December 19, 2010

It is my day....

Salam..Hai...ape kabar??Huhuu...
Hari ni mood ok sket...pasal it's my B-day...huhu
YES!! I'm getting old by another year...this year is 23...
Altough this year is the year full of challenges, i found it as a lesson for me to become a great person one day...
Today start as usual...nothing special..Tp ade la kuar g jejalan dgn azam n zamrie...
G tgk wyng cite Tron n makan besar kt Carl's Jr...huhu...Tu je yg mampu..haha...
But its ok long xde ape nk buat langsung kan??haha
Owh ya...Thanks Habsah coz bg present cupcakes for me...
Cupcakes present..Thanks Absah...
That was my present for the day...but the utmost present is my opportunity to still live and breath at the world...Syukur dipanjangkan kepada ALLAH SWT kerana nikmat yg telah diberikan...
OK la...gtg...Thanks again for all the wishes for my besday..huhu...

December 17, 2010

After 23 years...Who am I??

Salam...I'm back again...
Post kali ini pasal life...My life actually...

Tarikh 18hb Disember 1987, 8.30pm lahirnya seorg budak yg akhirnye dinamakan
Mohd Syamin...Selepas melalui pelbagai kehidupan yg gembira, sederhana, sedih, perit dan pelbagai lg...
Akhirnye sampai ke umur 23..Satu tahap dimana kehidupan bermula dgn lebih mencabar...
Pada umur 6tahun sudah mula mengenal erti sekolah walaupon hanya tadika...Pada umur 7tahun pula naik ke sekolah rendah...6tahun menempuhi hidup sebagai kanak-kanak di sekolah...Bnyk kenangan pahit manis ditempuhi...Masuk pula sekolah menegah pada umur 13tahun...5tahun bergelar pelajar sekolah menengah...
Memori manis mendahului memori pahit...mmg best hidup..
Umur 18 bermula la kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar universiti...Hidup makin mencabar dikala bergelar pelajar universiti...Stress, pressure, tension and depression is the most favorite things happened to me..
Happiness??it seem to faded away...Mmg ada kebahagian dlm hidup tetapi tidak kekal dan berpanjangan...
Hidup yg tiada ketenangan berpanjangan sehingga tamat bergelar sebagai pelajar...Hmmm...apa yg menyebabkan perkara ini berlaku??hanya diriku sendiri dan ALLAH yg maha agung saja yg mengetahuinya...
Hari esok...genap 23tahun aku hidup didunia yg sementara ini...Pahala dan dosa yg tak terkira sepanjang hidupku ini...Yg mana lebih berat??Hmmm...tidak ku tahu...

Tp adakah aku gembira disaat tarikh kelahiran ku??tidak...
Seperti tiada makna lg bg diri ini...ia hanyalah sekadar tarikh...tiada yg istimewa...
Sometimes tu jeles juga dgn org laen...Sambut dgn family or aku??tiada...
Family???sudah tidak seperti yg dulu lg...Bukan la nk kecoh sgt pasal hari jadik or nk mintak kasihan org...
Tp ini saja medium buat masa ini yg boleh aku ceritakan tentang apa yg terbuku dihati ini...
Bukan ingin membuka pekong didada...Hanya menyampaikan sahaja...

Ape la aku nie...hanya tahu nk menrungut saja...
Biarkan la diriku yg diserang oleh penyakit depression sendirian...
Dgn harapan supaya tidak ada yg mengeji kan membenci diri ini saja...
Ampun dan maaf dipohon sekiranya post ini boleh membuatkan diri yg membaca itu marah....

Ok la...Sehingga berjumpa lg...Salam...

December 16, 2010

a deer or perhaps an elephant???

Salam..Hi...i'm back again....huhu...
Mybe ade yg pikir...ape lg aku nk ngarut nie..huhu...
Well today pasal kurus or gemuk...hahaha...
Sometimes aku rase aku nie gemuk....and sometimes kurus plak...*tak sedar diri...
Hmmm...what can i say??mybe i'm just an average people...huhu...Not so gemuk and not so kurus..
Thanks god la...huhu...Bukan ape...just kekadang tu mesti kite terpikir mcm nie kan??
"Tidak!!! aku dh gemuk!!"...or "Kurus nye aku nie"...
Well...this what happened to me at this moment...aku rase seperti GEMUK!!
Tapi bile ckp aku nie gemuk, ade plak org ckp..."kalo ko tu gemuk, aku nie ape??gedempol??"...
Huhuhu....mcm benggong kan bile pikir mcm tu...mmg saiko la aku nie...haha...
Td plak ade org ckp aku kurus...hahaha...sah mmg dh gile aku nie..hahaha....
Aku tak mau jadk mcm nie...terlalu kurus. or terlalu gemuk...Yg average saje...
War Between Fats and Thins...

Tak mau mcm nie...haha..
Hmm...tau nk ngomel je aku nie...bersenam xmau..hehe...
OK la...g.t.g...

December 15, 2010

life as a volunteer...

Salam...Its being a long time since my last update for my blog...
Busy??sort of..Lazy??sort of..haha...many things happened to me recently...
Some of it good and most of them is bad...
1hb December is my big day...Convocation day...Check my last post..Hari BerKonvokasi
Eventhough that day was my big day..but i'm not really happy at all...
Just a fake smile and pretending...Hmmm...What makes me to be at that condition??
Many career or even a real job...i'm not saying that i'm not grateful to have a part time job...
It just...yeah..u know...after 5 years of hardwork (malas actually) of real job have reach me... this moment...i'm doing a part time work as a volunteer..
My life as volunteer have a mix feeling...i'm happy to having this opportunity..
Went to Sarawak for the outreach programme, joining the COL department, n currently as a volunteer for the school holiday programme...
Happy, Excited, Enjoy, Gaining new knowledge everyday, Meeting people, Cuci mata..huhu...
But also Bored, a bit stress, tired and sometimes irritated...But honestly i'm Happy...
Why am i being irritated??coz many people always ask me about when am i going to have a job??a real JOB!! Wargh....soo tension!!!Stress!!!...So many job application that have been made...But??none of them hired me as their employees..ShiT!!!....who's fault??hmmm...mine probably...
Argh....Lantak la...Let it be...*sighing at the same time....
Now??what am i have to do??yeah...just continue with the volunteering work...
Finish the school holiday programme...then??next year?? a new mission...
Job hunting...more and more effort...praying lots to ALLAH...
As what in Maher Zain's lyrics " InsyaALLAH, Don't Despair and never loose hope,  Coz ALLAH is always by your side..."

ok...that all from me this time...this just a piece of my sickness mind...haha...ok...chow...

December 3, 2010

Hari BerKonvokasi...

Salam...Hai all...
Sudah lama tidak mengjenguk ke dlm blog nie..
Bukan ape...just kekadang tu malas nk update..huhu...
Tp kali nie nk story pasal Convocation UiTM ke 73..
Yeah....setelah 2 tahun perit getir menimba ilmu dlm peringkat Ijazah Sarjana Muda...
Akhirnye...berjaya juga...Mendapat sehelai kertas yg bergelar...Ijazah...
Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains (Kepujian) Teknologi Polimer dikurniakan kepada ku..
Walaupon hujan yg sgt lebat pada hari konvo tu...tetap juga best ye konvo tu...huhu...
Siap lompat2 lg time amek gambo..huhuhu...

Segulung tahniah diucapkan kepada ku dan semua klasmate ku...mmbr2 UiTM yg berkonvo pada 1Dec 2010...
Mmg memori yg tak dpt dilupakan...Walaupon convo ini merupakan convocation ku yg kedua.
*Time Diploma pon dh convo ye..huhu...

Terima Kasih buat Ibuku sanggup utk membantu ke sepanjang tempoh aku belajar di UiTM Shah Alam...
Kepada semua kawan2ku...Terima Kasih bnyk2...mane yg tidak dpt dibalas tu...halalkan lah ye..huhu...

Nie ade la sket2 gambo2 yg sempat di snap...huhu..

Pre-Graduation *amek jubah...

Faruq, me, Naiman, Mar, Acap, Pijam

Liyana, Che Pah, Yin & me

Naiman, Cord & me
Me & Scroll (aka Ijazah)

Inside DSB

Post-Graduation *antar jubah..

Huhuu...bleh plak mcm jadik time hari konvo tu...hp bateri flat la...dpt invitation utk tttbe kensel...hmmm...Kamera xbwk..huhu...mcm2 hal..
Tp...ape yg penting...Semua nya HAPPY!!!